How to Make a Cartoon Mascot and use Adobe Illustrator

Various Adobe Illustrator tutorials that you can use as a reference in learning. However, have you found out how to make a mascot or character? The mascot can be used as a character in your design or animation work. Or characters can also be used for a logo. Well, about what it's like to make a cartoon mascot using Adobe Illustrator?
But before we make the mascot it's good we know about Adobe Illustrator. Adobe Illustrator is a leading vector graphics editor program developed by Adobe Inc. in Decembe 1986. Where Adobe Illustrator is made for companion products Adobe Photoshop.
In this tutorial, we will make a mascot using only a mouse without a Pen Tablet. So we need an initial sketch to help us feel the anatomy of the character we want to make. In this example, we can make an initial sketch using the pencil tool. Do not worry even though the shape is a mess, because this is only a wireframe and only used as a sample for tracing. 

Difference between Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator appeared three years before Adobe Photoshop was made in 1990. Adobe created two different softwares certainly not without reason, right?

Photoshop is used to create pixel-based images, whereas for vector-based images, Illustrator is more appropriate. When viewed from the quality of the image, vector-based images tend to be better. Because it is vector based, you can manipulate the size of the image without reducing the quality of the image itself. Even if you zoom in it won't crack. Even Illustrator has the ability to zoom up to nine times without making blurry images. Therefore, usually, this software is used by logo designers because designing a logo requires precision and really careful detail. In addition to the logo, you can also use Illustrator to create banners and brochures.
Unlike the case with Photoshop. Because the image is pixel based, this is quite troublesome when you have to enlarge the size of the image from the original. Compared to Illustrator, Photoshop only has a zoom capability of 300 percent so that when you increase the size of the image, the image will look broken or blurry. So, it is not suitable for making logos that require super-detailed detail. Photoshop is a practical application for manipulating images such as providing certain effects. That's why Photoshop is often used by photographers.

How to Make a Cartoon Mascot and use Adobe Illustrator
Step 1
Have you imagined what kind of mascot you will make? If not, sit quietly and think about what kind of mascot you will make. No need to look for difficult because at this time we are still learning. If you've found what kind of mascot, sketch with a pencil tool. The result is a mess? Don't worry, because this is only a wireframe and is only used as a sample for tracing.
Step 2
Group the entire line (CTRL + G) then decrease the opacity to 20%. Right-click on the sketch object then select Lock File (Ctrl + 2). Start tracing from the hair section using the Pen Tool (p). Then use the same method for other elements, such as the nose, eyes, mouth, and so on.
Step 3
Unlock the previous object using CTRL + ALT + 2 then press the Delete key. Group the entire line.
Step 4
Now you have to color the element images separately, then use the Live Paint Bucket Tool (K). Select the color you want to use then click on the element.
Step 5
Have you colored all the objects? Mascot selection, then move the cursor to the Menu Bar and select Object> Expand. To separate these elements use the U key for the ungroup.
Step 6
Select the area that you will use to make shadows and then duplicate the color object on the face directly above it, by pressing Ctrl + C and Ctrl + F on the keyboard. Select the shadow object in the Menu Bar, select Window> PathFinder and click on the Intersect button in the PathFinder palette. Now, after understanding you can apply it to all elements.
Step 7
After trying to make shadows like the above, now you can apply the same way to other body parts. However, use different colors according to the basic color. Incorrectly giving color, your mascot will look strange.
Step 8
The last step to perfect your mascot is to add lighting. Actually the manufacturing principle is the same as shadow, but use colors that are brighter than the base color.
