Seven Games with the Best Biopunk Themes

Biopunk is a sub-genre derived from cyberpunk, where the world is built on the basis of strong biological science, the community in the main character is formed from various genetic modifications as a 'main dish'. And like other 'punk' derivatives, the culture in the biopunk world isn't as strong as cyberpunk, so the main focus of biopunk is on the gameplay. Here are 7 games with the best biopunk base.

Prototype series
Prototype tells some individuals who got superpowers from dangerous viruses that turn humans into zombies or other abomination creatures. In the game, the protagonist has the ability to turn some limbs into a lethal weapon, you also have the ability to 'consume' other creatures to become stronger. Your enemy is not playing around, from mutants from the evolution of the Blacklight virus to genetically modified super soldiers.
Radical Entertainment and Activision must be recognized as having succeeded in presenting a quality sequel series for Prototype 2. The decision to create a new plot series by making James Heller as the main character and supporting a countless smoother gameplay mechanism makes this new series appear far better than the series its predecessor. Released for console platforms: XBOX 360 and Playstation 3. Prototype 2 is able to appear as an open-world action game that deserves to be played, whether you have enjoyed the first series or not.
Admittedly, Prototype 2 itself is not a game with enough difficulty to make you frustrated and give up in the middle of the game, but behind the simplicity of the gameplay, it still presents a myriad of challenges that require certain strategic solutions. If you are one of the gamers who are still struggling to finish this one game, we provide tips and tricks to lighten up your heavy journey as a James Heller.
Crysis series
In Crysis you act like a warrior who gets super strength from the results of the symbiosis of body tissue with Nanosuit, your job is to eradicate Ceph. Ceph is an alien species that seems more intelligent than other aliens in video games, they not only attack the earth blindly, they also attack humans with viruses that turn them into biological networks that can be used by Ceph. But don't worry, you also have the ability of a reverse engineer to use Ceph technology.
Prey (2017)
Prey told an organization that studies alien species in order to be able to use these alien capabilities in humans. As part of this research, you can use this alienability through neuromodulation or nerve alteration processes. And as is usually the case in other fictitious experiments, the alien aliens run away and you have to fight with them, of course, this battle will be difficult if you do not have the alien power.
The Evil Within series
TEW is a survival horror game with unique settings, instead of using 'real' worlds and monsters, you will survive in STEM, a world built on the basis of sub-conscious humans. Of course, the pros and cons of STEM depend on the contents of the mind of the owner, in the case of TEW you enter the world of horror filled with mutants. The biopunk TEW element is increasingly felt through the mechanism of upgrading and backstory from the enemies you meet.
Resident Evil series
Talking about biological things and genetic modification, it is incomplete if it does not mention the best survival horror series: Resident Evil. RE built a biopunk world that is quite thick starting from the storyline that even includes law and politics regarding bioterrorism, the origin of viruses and other microorganisms in the game, to the design of truly fleshy enemies. Although filled with dialogues and cheesy and crisp events, RE is still one of the series with the best biopunk base.
Bioshock series
The reason RE is 'one of the best' and not 'the only' game with the best biopunk base is because of a series called Bioshock. As if destined to be a great biopunk series through its title, Bioshock will take you to a world where genetic superiority is an absolute element of power, from bodyguards (Bid Daddy), secondary currencies (ADAM), civilians, to power sources ( Shock Jockey Gondola), all of them use genetic modification. Bioshock also shows another terrible side of the world that glorifies genetic evolution through the existence of Splicers and creatures like Handy-man in Bioshock Infinite.
Half-Life 2
Like Ceph, aliens in Half-Life called Combine use (and force) everything to achieve victory. One of the tactics that overwhelms citizens is a 'biological' attack by opening Xen gates that causes strange creatures in Xen to enter and destroy humans and animals, not to mention the Synth Unit which consists of living things that are modified on the organs and nerves so they can attack optimally. To overcome this threat, the protagonist is equipped with HEV Suit which not only functions as a protector, but also emergency medical equipment.
